Thursday, March 24, 2011

POPULAR Book big sale

Value for money ! Went to the Sales in Summit Subang twice...
1st time,I  bought some exercise and activities books for QQ,
2nd time, I bought some self development books for myself and 2 story books for QQ...all in all i spent less than RM120 for the 2 trips there....and carried 2 huge bags of book back...very contented !

Chinese New year 3rd Feb 2011

This year, same as any other year, only doing visiting on the first and second day of CNY.  QQ happily taking group pictures with her cousin sisters at grandma house on the 1st day of  CNY. In the evening we went to a relative's house for the annual CNY dinner : QQ grandpa has 5 brothers,each year they take turn to hold gathering dinner on the 1st day of CNY.. family tradition ...